
write a 1337-leet conversion program

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Modify Assignment 3, which was to write a 1337-leet conversion program.
For this program, ask the user how many characters they will convert and then use a while loop to prompt and convert that many ‘correct’ characters.  Your program should only convert as many ‘correct’ characters as the user has said he/she will convert.
When prompting the user for how many characters she will convert, validate that they enter a number greater than 0 before allowing them to actually convert characters.  This validation should be driven by a sentinel-controlled loop.
All of the previous guidelines and restrictions about how to display the 1337 characters apply from program #3.  Refer to program #3’s assignment sheet to get the full description of output requirements.  You must convert characters from A to Z and a to z correctly and generate appropriate output for characters that can’t be converted.
You will count only the correct inputs from the users, i.e., if the user wants to convert 5 inputs, you will only count those inputs that are within A-Z and not anything else. If the input is not within A-Z, you will not count that as an input from the user.
The conversion logic should be implemented within a separate method and not in main. A sample structure is shown below. This method will be called X number of times to covert X correct inputs from the user one after the other.


int k = number of inputs the user wants to test. Make sure it’s a valid input.  //use a             //sentinel – while loop for this validation.

for(int i = 1 to k){

char c = one input from the user.




void leet_loop_convert(c){

// logic from assignment 3 goes here.

// print the converted result.


Use a sentinel-controlled loop for data validation and a counter-controlled loop for processing control in your program.
Modify existing code to extend the functionality of a program.

Points to Think About

Since you will be attempting to match char values, make sure you make the appropriate kind of test in the switch statement’s case

Grading Notes

When converting your input to 1337 code, this program must follow the output requirements already set forth in assignment #3 earlier this semester. Make sure to have appropriate spacing, etc.
You must use a switch statement and not a series of nested if/else statements to implement this program. Failure to use a switch statement to implement the solution will result in your program not being graded.
You may only use material covered in class.

Sample runs

Sample Program Run (user input is underlined)

How many characters would you like to convert? 2

Enter character #1 to convert: !

! –

Enter character #1 to convert: u

u (_)

Enter character #2 to convert: #

# –

Enter character #2 to convert: V

V \/

Sample Program Run (user input is underlined)

How many characters would you like to convert? 3

Enter character #1 to convert: %

% –

Enter character #1 to convert: a

a @

Enter character #2 to convert: A

A @

Enter character #3 to convert: B

B I3

Sample Program Run (user input is underlined)

How many characters would you like to convert? 0

How many characters would you like to convert? -1

How many characters would you like to convert? 1

Enter character #1 to convert: Y

Y j


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